EUDAT Conference 2024
3-5 December 2024 | Karlsruhe, Germany
Description | Programme | Venue | Open Calls | Partnership | Hotel List

When working with personal data, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) poses a challenging situation for European researchers - the protection of the personal data can limit transparency and sustainability of the scientific process by restricting data-sharing and reuse.
Although there has been regulation regarding the reuse of data initially collected for medical purposes, the regulation for non-medical research personal data remains unclear.
Session Organiser and Chair : Abdulrahman Azab (Sigma2)
Presenters :
Per Kulseth Dahl, University of Oslo
Ahmad Hasam, SURF
Eiving Hovig, University of Oslo
Anne van der Kant, Health RI
The presentations are available now! Revisit the latest findings and approaches to personal data :
Introduction to sensitive data by Abdulrahman Azab
Virtual Research Environments for Sensitive Data at SURF by Ahmad Hasam
Evaluating Driver Requirements for EOSC-ENTRUST TRE Blueprint by Anne van der Kant
TSD - UiO's Trusted Research Environment by Per Kulseth Dal
Strategies for Handling Human Data for Discovery by Eiving Hovig