EUDAT Conference 2024
3-5 December 2024 | Karlsruhe, Germany
Description | Programme | Venue | Open Calls | Partnership | Hotel List

The EUDAT Conference returns,this time in the German hub of justice! During the opening session, old participants and new can learn about the latest progress in the European Open Science Cloud and research data management solutions.
What lies ahead for EUDAT? Join us for the opening session and find out!
Welcome Messages:
- Yann Le Franc, EUDAT Head of Secretariat
- Dr. Achim Streit, KIT Scientific Computing Center Director
Keynote speech will be made by Prof.Dr. Timo Dickscheid, Working Group Leader "Big Data Analytics" :
"Building a distributed brain atlas on the grounds of AI and Big Data"
This insighftul talk will delve deeper into the study of the human brain and the utility of data infrastructures in this research. Despite progress in imagining and brain mapping, access to datasets from different spatial resolutions and modalities for applications ranging from visual exploration to computational workflows remains a challenge.
Prof.Dr. Dickscheid will introduce the concept of a multi-level human brain atlas which integrates 3D brain reference models at different spatial scales and a broad selection of multimodal data resources. The atlas is hosted as part of the European Research Infrastructure EBRAINS, and is accessible through a software tool suite that provides access to all its contents.
Missed the session? We have useful resources for you!
Prof. Dr. Timo Dickscheid's Keynote Presentation