EUDAT Conference 2024
3-5 December 2024 | Karlsruhe, Germany
Description | Programme | Venue | Open Calls | Partnership | Hotel List

From the conception of EOSC it has been taken that the EOSC will evolve over time. The open question is therefore more how the EOSC will evolve and how projects can contribute to EOSC and how the results from projects are taken up within EOSC.
This session presents an overview of the recent development in EOSC and the EOSC Federation. It will present the EOSC EU Node which has recently been launched at the EOSC Symposium. In line with the build-up phase of the EOSC Federation, the EOSC Tripartite Governance is also writing the EOSC Federation handbook paving the way for EOSC nodes joining the EOSC Federation. EOSC Beyond is developing the EOSC Innovation Sandbox to test and validate the integration of potential new core services and node candidates with the EOSC federating capabilities.
One of the main aims of the EOSC Federation is to enable the web of FAIR data. The FAIRCORE4EOSC is developing 10 FAIR-improving services for extending the EOSC Core. This is an effort to address gaps identified in the SRIA and improve the EOSC Core. FAIR-IMPACT works on identifying, collecting and disseminating best practice for making EOSC more FAIR.
After the introductory presentations, in a panel discussion we explore the open question on how projects can contribute to the EOSC Federation and how the Web of FAIR data and service can be enabled within the federation.
Session Organisers : Tommi Suominen FC4E / CSC
Mark van de Sanden FC4E / SURF
If you missed the latest on EOSC Advancements, make sure to check the speaker presentations below :
Intro to FAIRCORE4EOSC by Tommi Suominen (CSC)
EOSC CORE Innovation Box by Nicola Fiore (EGI)
Introducing EOSC EU Node by Norbert Meyer (PNC)
FAIR-IMPACT Building a Legacy by Wim Hugo (DANS)
EOSC Federation Handbook by EOSC-A, presented by Mark van de Sanden ( SURF)