EUDAT Conference 2024
3-5 December 2024 | Karlsruhe, Germany
Description | Programme | Venue | Open Calls | Partnership | Hotel List

In the context of NFDI, the national data infrastructure of Germany serves as the national hub for generic and domain specific services, developed and operated by the research and education community. What lies on the horizon of similar national infrastructures and services for Open Science?
Session Organiser : Jos van Wezel (KIT), Najla Rettberg (NFDI)
Session Chair: Wolfram Horstmann (FIZ Karlsruhe)
Panellists :
Najla Rettberg: Base4NFDI consortium (Germany)
Véronique Stoll: French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Recherche Data Gouv, Deputy Director for Strategy and Partnerships (France)
Claudia Behnke: SURF (Netherlands)
Themis Zamani: GRNET (Greece)
Nadia Tonello: BSC (Spain)
Presentations are available now! Explore the latest from national infrastructures :
EOSC National Node the Dutch Approach by Claudia Behnke
National Infrastructures with EOSC From the Base4NFDI by Najla Rettberg
Research Data Government and EOSC by Veronique Stoll
EOSC in Spain by Claudia Behnke
Aligning National Infrastructures in the case of Greece by Themis Zamani