EUDAT Conference 2024
3-5 December 2024 | Karlsruhe, Germany
Description | Programme | Venue | Open Calls | Partnership | Hotel List

The FAIRCORE4EOSC team returns to the EUDAT conference, ready to showcase te latest project achievements and available services, aimed to FAIRify an increased amount of research outputs.
Session Organiser & Chair : Tommi Suominen ( FAIRCORE4EOSC/CSC)
What to expect?
With 10 new core services available for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the FAIRCORE4EOSC team aims to address the gaps identified in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda v.1.0 ( SRIA). Read more about the FAIRCORE4EOSC Services here. Some of the services and service integrations showcased include: the Compliance Assessment Toolkit, RDGraph, PIDGraph, the Data Type Registry, and many more.
Delve deeper into the FAIRCORE4EOSC Services now :
The Compliance Assessment Toolkit (Wim Hugo, DANS)
RDGraph (Thanasis Vergoulis, OpenAIRE)
PIDGraph (Mike Bennett, DataCite)
The Data Type Registry (Hans Lienhop, GWDG)
The Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry (Ruman Quazi, CSC)
The vocabulary tool (Ruman Quazi, CSC)
RAiD (Clifford Tatum, SURF)
PID Meta Resolver (Themis Zamani, GRNET)