EUDAT Conference 2024
3-5 December 2024 | Karlsruhe, Germany
Description | Programme | Venue | Open Calls | Partnership | Hotel List

FAIR is not only relevant for data, but also for software. RDA has already established guidelines and recommendations to make software FAIR, applying the FAIR4RS Principles.
Session Organiser and Chair : Christian Page (CERFACS)
Presenters :
Jurgen Enge, University Library Basel
Tabea Lurk, University Library Basel
Nils Brinckmann, GFZ Postdam
Wim Hugo, DANS
Maxence Azzouz- Thunderoz, FIZ Karlsruhe
This sessions' presentations are now available. Explore how FAIR principles can be applied across various data storage solutions below :
Research Software - Making it FAIR Introduction by Christian Page
Making cultural data FAIR - A Microservice to FAIRify existing online databases by Jurgen Enge and Tabea Lurk
The Sensor Management System (SMS) as a reference implementation for sensor metadata management in Earth System Science using the EUDAT B2INST identifier by Nils Brinckmann
FAIR-IMPACT Best Practices and Guidance for PID Managers by Wim Hugo
FAIRCORE4EOSC Project : Mathematics Case Study by Maxence Azzouz-Thunderoz
FAIR software & data: adapting existing software to the principles by Christian Page