WEBINAR: DICE-EUDAT User Satisfaction Survey Results

On 5 May 2023 at 10:00 CEST, DICE project and EUDAT CDI will share the results of a user satisfaction survey they ran in early 2023 for research data management digital services they offer to the research and academic communities.

EOSC Core and Marketplace Provider Days

From 26 to 28 April, join EOSC Future, the INFRAEOSC-07 projects and ARCHIVER to discover what the EOSC platform has to offer for resource and service providers. Whether you’re still discovering EOSC or you’re a seasoned provider in need of a refresher course, the EOSC Core and Marketplace Provider Days will get you up to speed on the interoperability requirements, onboarding procedure and upcoming developments. 

FAIR Data Management Gaps and Solutions

Would you like to bring new findings and recommendations for the implementation of EOSC? Have you had experience in making your data FAIR and do you want to share the difficulties you have encountered? Then join EOSC-Pillar and DICE for this webinar.

EOSC Future Ask me anything webinars

Starting in February 2022, EOSC Future will organise ‘ask me anything’ webinars. On the first Tuesday of every month, participants will have the chance to ask questions about a variety of EOSC services and resources.
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