EUDAT’s vision is to enable European researchers and practitioners from any research discipline to preserve, find, access, and process data in a trustworthy environment. This webinar focused on trustworthiness and presented certification as an instrument to build trust into the data infrastructure.
Heiko Tjalsma (DANS), who leads the EUDAT task on “Trust and Certification”, presented the European framework of certification levels for data repositories, and concentrated on the Data Seal of Approval. This is the core level of the framework and also the aspired level for trustworthy B2 services.
The webinar was targeted at data repository managers and/or other representatives from the wider EUDAT community who are interested to learn more about certifying data repository services. In line with the Data Seal of Approval the focus will be on organisational and service policy rather than on technology.
Download the slides from the webinar here
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About Heiko Tjalsma
Heiko Tjalsma is a senior policy advisor at DANS Data Archiving and Networked Services, an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). His expert fields are long term preservation of digital data, access to research data, selection of research data, trusted digital repositories as well as cost models in digital data archiving. Presently he is working in the fields of access to data and legal issues concerning research data and trusted digital repositories, in particular certification. He has a M.A. in history and has been involved for a number of years in applying information technology to the historical sciences, in particular social and economic history.