Workflows at the 3rd EUDAT conference
The goal of the EUDAT Workshop on Workflows was to understand the needs of the community experts on common services, how to orchestrate data processing and how scientific workflows can make use of EUDAT services. Support for workflow provenance and services to register and describe workflow components and make them discoverable, referable (e.g. assigning PIDs to components) and to capture best practices were intensively discussed by the 20 international experts in the field of “Scientific workflows” present.
Workflows are a joint research activity in EUDAT in which communities (e.g. ENES and CLARIN) are assessing solutions in which community workflows can make use of the EUDAT services. During the 2nd EUDAT Conference, 28-30 October 2013–Rome, Italy, the New Services track included a specific session on Workflows
where the results from the working group workshop (Barcelona, Sept 2013) were presented followed by the ENES and CLARIN use cases on workflows and a proposal fo r a generic execution framework (GEF).