

Research data management: interoperability, collaboration, and the research library role 
Let's meet at: 09:00 - 12:30, Room: Guimarães I | 23 Jan 2018
Session Chairs: Simone Sacchi (LIBER)
Targeting: Libraries; Data Infrastructure communities; Researchers; Service providers; Users.


  • To triangulate the EUDAT CDI approach with the RDA outcomes with the requirements to support libraries and data infrastructure communities in the area of research data management, within the lens of the emerging EOSC principles, policies and service catalogue.
  • To follow-up synergies identified during the Open Science Fair 2017.

More info on the session:

The workshop aims at uncovering intersections between the activities of three organizations supporting research data management practices from different perspectives: RDA, as a standardization body; EUDAT and its Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI), providing research data management (RDM) services; and the Research Libraries community, helping researchers be successful in their RDM endeavours. LIBER, EUDAT and RDA will address the work, that needs to be done to harmonise their three roles and perspectives within the lens of the emerging European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) principles, policies and rules of engagement, and interoperable service catalogue. Putting together the EUDAT services and the RDA policies, practices and components, this workshop will help unravel how research libraries can effectively leverage the outcome of EUDAT and RDA within the research communities they support. Practical collaborative approaches will be showcased and emphasized, taking Data Management Plans as exemplar nexuses. Following this approach, synergies can be not only uncovered, but complementary roles of these organizations/communities can be fostered, to promote a pan-European ecosystem of systems in support of effective Open Science. 
Questions that this workshop will attempt to answer:
  • What are the EUDAT CDI services that are helpful for libraries and data infrastructure communities? What is the mid/long-term vision?
  • What are the purposes Data Management Plans can serve today, what are the services required to make them real, how can institutions support DMPs and what is needed to transform them into dynamic tools in the near future?
  • What is the importance of research data management and interoperability for libraries and data infrastructure communities? What is their role regarding interoperability?
  • What are the priorities for libraries in terms of machine actionable requirements to further support research data management? What are the skills needed and what the available learning materials/tools and standards into integrating them?
This workshop, led by LIBER, in collaboration with EUDAT and RDA, is a follow-up of the workshop “Organising high data quality research data management services for Open Science” that took place during the Open Science Fair 2017, which outlined the perspectives of collaboration between the three communities. 


Session Chair: Simone Sacchi EU Projects Manager, LIBER Europe
Communication/Rapporteur overall: Vasso Kalaitzi, Communications & Finance Project Officer, LIBER Europe

First Part | 09.00 - 10.30

Introduction (Overall & 1st part) (5mins) - Simone Sacchi, EU Projects Manager, LIBER Europe

Part 1: The EOSC perspective of the three organisations and how these function within it.

First Round of presentations (30mins)

  • “EOSC and the LIBER Strategy” - Astrid Verheusen, Executive Director, LIBER Europe. (Presentation)
  • “RDA in the context of EOSC and FAIR” – Raphael Ritz, Max Planck Computing and Data Facility, Head of Data Division (Presentation)
  • “The EUDAT CDI and its place in the research data management landscape” - Daan Broeder, Interim CTO, Meertens Institute (Presentation)

Questions (5mins)
Interactive session (40mins)
Summarising by rapporteurs of each team (10mins)

Coffee Break | 10.30 - 11.00

Second Part | 11.00 - 12.30

Introduction to 2nd part (5mins) - Simone Sacchi, EU Projects Manager, LIBER Europe

Part 2: Practical application examples, services and synergies

Second Round of presentations (30mins)

  • “From point zero to point one: Libraries and RDM in Europe”, Giannis Tsakonas,   Acting Director, Library & Information Center, University of Patras, Greece / LIBER EB member (Presentation)
  • “Librarians in RDA and ICT technical specifications” - Raphael Ritz, Max Planck Computing and Data Facility, Head of Data Division (Presentation)
  • “Practical services for research data management” - Leon du Toit, Group leader for research services, UiO (Presentation)

Questions (5mins)
Interactive session (40mins) (Presentation)
Summarising by rapporteurs of each team and wrap-up (10mins)