Most administration actions in iRODS are performed with iadmin command. Admin users can add new users and set their passwords to iRODS with:

iadmin mkuser testuser1 rodsuser iadmin moduser testuser1 password [pass]

iRODS distinguishes between two main classes of users rodsuser and rodsadmin (all users classes can be listed with iadmin lt user_type). The new user to access iRODS with icommands needs following:

  • its username and password
  • icommands (installed in the similar way to iRODS server)
  • connection information stored in ~/.irods/.irodsEnv

Please also check note on credentials management in iRODS.

The information about the users is stored in internal iRODS database (iCAT), the list of current active users can be viewed with iadmin lu, and exact information about a given user with iadmin lu testuser1.

The removal of users is done with:

iadmin rmuser testuser1