Horizon Europe

FAIRCORE4EOSC will advance the EOSC-Core for a FAIR EOSC

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an ecosystem of research data and related services that will enable and enhance seamless access to and reliable re-use of FAIR research outputs such as data, publications, software and more.

One of the priorities highlighted in the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is the establishment of the Web of FAIR data and a Minimum Viable EOSC by 2027, featuring the core components and functions to enable EOSC to operate. The development of the EOSC-Core was initiated in the Horizon 2020 calls which have delivered a rich palette of use cases, demonstrations, data, services and tools. However, there are still challenges that require to be addressed.

Bridging EOSC Core Gaps

FAIRCORE4EOSC will deliver nine EOSC-Core components in support of a FAIR research life cycle, bridging the gaps identified in the EOSC SRIA.  More specifically, the components will enable an EOSC PID infrastructure, an EOSC research software infrastructure, support for sharing and access to metadata schemas and crosswalks and offer advanced research-intent driven discovery services over all EOSC repositories.

The FAIRCORE4EOSC consortium

Led by CSC–IT Center for Science in Finland, the 22 complementary partners of the FAIRCORE4EOSC consortium include service providers, research performing organisations and global expert networks. The consortium partners have long-lasting experience in the provision and development of research data services. They have also significantly contributed to the EOSC SRIA and are active members of the EOSC Association Task Forces,  providing the project a unique insight and capacity to boost the development of the Web of FAIR Data and Related Services which is EOSC.

Five user-centric case studies

The nine FAIRCORE4EOSC components will be crucial in supporting the FAIR research life cycle. Five user-centric case studies will drive the development and testing of the new components in:

  1. Climate Change
  2. EOSC Service Providers & RDM Communities
  3. European Integration of National-level Services
  4. Mathematics
  5. Social Sciences and Humanities

The selected case studies share similar challenges that are common to many other stakeholder groups, the co-design methodology will ensure the FAIRCORE4EOSC components are tailored to actual user needs. User stories and best practices drawn by the case studies will be used to foster uptake of the new components beyond the project partners.