European Union’s Framework Programme 7

EUDAT (Sept 2012 – Feb 2015) received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme 7, DG Connect e-Infrastructure Unit under Contract No. 283304.


Project Overview

The EUDAT project was the first of a series of two funded projects aimed at building the foundation for the current Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI). The project has established the basis for the EUDAT CDI production infrastructure with a strong service-oriented approach and close relationship to research communities. It has managed to launch a set of well-identified services available to European researchers and research communities.

The EUDAT consortium included representatives from each stage of the value chain that has evolved to deliver scientific knowledge to researchers, citizens, industry and society as a whole. It included funding agencies that invest in research infrastructures and programmes of research, infrastructure operators and research communities who rely on the availability of data-management services, national data centres and providers of connectivity and, of course, the users who rely on the availability of data and services, innovators who add value to the raw results of scientific research. This project has been followed up by the EUDAT2020 funded project.


Project Structure

WP2: Sustainability and Evolution to ensure the continued relevance of the shared services adopted during the project and the viability of the collaborative data infrastructure over the long term.

WP3: Dissemination, Outreach and Training to manage the relationships between the project and specific target audiences, ensure their understanding of its progress and achievements and stimulate adoption of the shared services created by the project.

WP4: Stakeholder Requirements to ensure that the design of the Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) and the services created by the project are fit for purpose and that they meet the needs of the intended communities of use and the landscape of services and architectures currently in use within those communities.

WP5: Services and Technology Appraisal to identify and utilise available technologies and tools to implement the required services, and to identify gaps and market failures that should be addressed within the joint research activities.

WP6: Operating the European Collaborative Data Infrastructure to make the collaborative data infrastructure available by deploying and integrating (multidisciplinary) services, establishing an operational and support infrastructure that is working according to best practices and in compliance with widely accepted standards and guidelines in the domain of security and quality assurance.

WP7: Addressing Scalability and Preservation to support the longer term growth and development of the EUDAT infrastructure, by addressing some of the problems that surround the many complex activities associated with data curation and preservation, across multiple, diverse organisations, including the need for automating coordination and management, driven by policy-rules within a relatively local set of federated archives.