This webinar is jointly-organised by the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure (EUDAT CDI), one of the largest infrastructures of integrated data services for research sustained by almost 30 research organisations, and data and computing centres, and the Digital Infrastructure Capacity for EOSC project (DICE), an EU-funded initiative that enables a European storage and data management infrastructure for EOSC that provides generic services and building blocks to store, find, access and process data in a consistent and persistent way. DICE is providing these services free of charge to European researchers for the whole project duration. Learn about what these services offer and how you can take advantage of them for your own research!
A new EU-funded project, DICE (Data Infrastructure Capacity for EOSC) was launched this January 2021 which aims to enable a European storage and data management infrastructure for EOSC, providing generic services and building blocks to store, find, access and process data in a consistent and persistent way. The project will offer 14 state-of-the-art data management services together with more than 50 PB of storage capacity.
The offering includes a broad spectrum of services ranging from the familiar “personal drive storage” for individuals and small teams up to extremely sophisticated value-added facilities for long-term preservation, identification, metadata curation, and implementation of FAIR principles for data-intensive research projects.
Following the latest EUDAT Council Meeting last 24 March 2021, Antti Pursula takes up his new role as the Head of the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure (EUDAT CDI) Secretariat.