After several months of discussion, consultation, drafting and re-drafting, The Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery in the Digital Age was officially launched in Brussels, at a special event held at the offices of Science Europe on 6 May 2015. EUDAT partner LIBER led the writing of the declaration.
The declaration has a growing community of supporters and after one week it has already been signed by over 120 organisations and 220 individuals.
At the launch event, Paul Ayris of University College London, introduced the declaration while a panel of invited experts helped to contextualise it, exploring its potential influence and discussing the importance of its statements on knowledge discovery for the fields of scholarly research, publishing, data curation, and for SMEs that use text and data mining in their work.
The declaration is openly accessible to all and accepting signatures from individuals and organisations who wish to support its principles.
Find out more here http://thehaguedeclaration.com/