On 3-4 June 2024 at the CINECA headquarters in Bologna, Italy, the EUDAT Council was convened which saw the election of Abdulrahman Azab (Sigma2) as an Executive Board Member of the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure (EUDAT CDI).
The EUDAT CDI Board consists of seven representatives of the CDI members elected by the CDI Council and mandated to ensure the proper execution and implementation of the council's decisions. Abdulrahman joins other board members, Damien Lecarpentier (CSC), Daniel Mallman (FZJ), Themis Zamani (GRNET), and Hannes Thiemann (DKRZ). The EUDAT Executive Board is chaired by Jos Van Wezel (KIT) along with Vice Chair Claudia Behnke (SURF).
Apart from the election, which was prompted by the departure of Francesca Maria Iozzi, the EUDAT Council also heard updates from the EUDAT Secretariat and the User Board on their latest activities and plans. The delegates also discussed the strategic directions of EUDAT, strengthening collaborations and its evolving roadmap to satisfy the latest needs of the scientific communities served.
Commenting on his election, Abdulrahman Azab (Sigma2) said, “I’m very excited to become a contributor to the strategy-making for EUDAT, with a lot of energy for shaping the future”.
EUDAT CDI Executive Board Chair Jos Van Wezel (KIT) also added, “ The Executive Board welcomes Abdulrhaman. Being well versed in research data support and high performance computing, he will help to widen the EUDAT e-Infrastructure footprint.”
Abdulrahman Azab is a Senior Advisor, Sigma2 AS - Norwegian research infrastructure services (NRIS), and is also a Senior Advisor in the management team of the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC). Azab has a long history in managing Nordic e-Infrastructure projects. He has previously acted as the Project Manager the Nordic Pandemic e-Infrastructure project (PaRI) and the sensitive data services projects (Tryggve).
He is currently a technical coordinator with NeIC’s Sensitive Data Forum and Expert Network for Nordic and EU Collaboration, a community coordinator for NeIC’s FAIR Data Forum, and is a steering board chair as well as activity lead in NeIC’s Nordic WLCG tier-1 facility. Abdulrahman is a member of the EuroHPC LUMI user support team and is the coordinator of the EuroHPC containers forum. He teaches graduate-level HPC Bioinformatics courses at the University of Oslo and conducts research in HPC, High Throughput Computing, High Availability Computing, Cloud Computing, Machine/Deep Learning, Cybersecurity, and Bioinformatics.
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