During the EUDAT conference "Putting the EOSC vision into practice" held in Porto, the SeaDataCloud project organised a half-day SeaDataCloud Workshop.
This workshop gathered around 30 participants with representatives from MARIS, Marine Institute, 52North, SYKE, BODC, INGV, AWI, ULiege, OGS and DKRZ giving a series of presentations divided over two sessions discussing the current status of the SeaDataNet infrastructure and activities for upgrading standards and services, and how to derive data products from the large data resources and new opportunities provided by the cloud.
The programme and presentations can be found at the SeaDataNet portal.
The presentations gave an overview of a number of activities that are underway for improving and expanding the services of the SeaDataNet infrastructure for marine and ocean data management.
Presenters had undertaken good efforts to explain the background, the marine context and the reasons for the planned upgrading of services as well as the present status of developments. Presenters also highlighted where the cooperation and synergy with EUDAT and its services is planned and under development.
The full SeaDataCloud newsletter is available here.