The next month will be a busy one for the EUDAT team. We're organising workshops, presenting posters and giving training at three different events. This is an ideal opportunity to come meet us and find out more about the project.
The first event is a two-day workshop on "Data infrastructure for data management", on 28-29th April in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Organised by SURFacademy, the meeting provides an introduction to the tools for setting up a data management infrastructure, such as iRODS and PIDs, features lectures on existing services and infrastructure and offers a hands-on training session. Particularly the first day of the workshop will focus on data and iRODS management while the second day will be dedicated to the demos of the EUDAT services (namely B2SHARE, B2SAFE and B2FIND) and to hands-on on persistent identifiers. Learn more and register.
This will be followed by the EGI Conference 2015 in Lisbon on 18-22nd May, where delegates will have the chance to attend an EUDAT workshop and poster session. The workshop will feature the first pilot of the collaboration programme between EUDAT and the EISCAT-3D. Common use cases will be developed to promote interoperability between the two e-infrastructures and improve communities' experience with data and computational services. The poster will highlight the suite of research data services and solutions offered by EUDAT. Learn more.
Finally, on 26-27th May 2015 the RDA (Research Data Alliance) will host its 2nd Infrastructure Projects Interaction Meeting, with four key parts:
- Training: Inform about the first concrete RDA results incl. hands-on practice where useful.
- Impact: Discuss the possible impact of the results for science and beyond.
- Data Fabric: Discuss the Data Fabric approach and place the various activities of RDA into the overall landscape.
- Result Adoption: Discuss possible adoption projects to test RDA results in practical work.
During the last session, EUDAT will provide valuable insight as collaboration with the RDA is being consolidated, with RDA committed to bring in knowledge, support, training while EUDAT implements components. Learn more.
As the year progresses, there will be plenty of other opportunities to connect with EUDAT. Keep an eye on our events calendar for the latest information.
Image credit: BioMedBridges integrating life science data (Flickr), CC BY-NC-ND