Are you involved in research data management? You cannot miss the EUDAT User Forum, taking place in Rome, Italy, in the first week of February 2016.
Why attend? Learn - Understand - Discover
- Learn: intensive training sessions on how your research community can benefit of the EUDAT services with practical hands on session on how to use and integrate the B2Service Suite to address your needs!
- Understand: different use cases coming from a range of research infrastructures, communities and organizations from across Europe on how use of the EUDAT services will solve current research data challenges in different domains (Earth Sciences, Energy and Environment, Biomedical, Life Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Physical Sciences and Engineering)
- Discover: Find out how you can leverage on the EUDAT resources - the second EUDAT Data Pilot call is in the pipeline and will be launched at this event. All the details on who, why and how to join will be given!
Registration is open until 29 January 2016 at 17:00 CET https://www.eudat.eu/eudat-user-forum-open-science-cloud-workshop-registration
Full details at https://www.eudat.eu/events/user-forums/eudat-user-forum-3-4-february-2016-rome-italy