The successful edition of the EOSC-hub week 2020 is over. EUDAT has contributed to the session Issues in Cross-Border Consumption of Resources in EOSC, with the presentation “EUDAT cross-border use cases” given by Mark van de Sanden, SURFsara and EUDAT Technical Coordinator.

The presentation featured four EUDAT cross border use cases:


  • Data Analysis, Movement and Preservation to distribute data across five different locations to improve access and durability and to link the SeaDataNet community portal with large scale computing facilities for data analysis.
  • Data Analysis and Preservation to link the ICOS Community Portal with large scale computing facilities for data analysis and distribute data to second location for long-term preservation


  • Data Movement, Processing, Publication and Discovery to bring the CompBioMed data generated at research facilities close to large scale computing facilities for data processing and publish data in a FAIR way


  • Data Analysis and Processing to bring EPOS data from community repositories close to large scale computing facilities for data (re-)processing and analysis.


At the end of the presentation some challenges related to the EUDAT cross-border resource provisioning have been highlighted:

  • EUDAT is a service organisation build-out of generic and thematic service providers that are bound to the given National and/or Community mandate

  • Cost models and cost prices between members differ

  • The new Virtual Access (VA) model for cost recovery has been improved, but is not yet perfect: VA is not an open model for all services listed in the EOSC Marketplace and it is not optimal for services which do not require user registration.

Watch the recording of the EUDAT presentation here

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