This online training material provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the EUDAT services (B2SHARE, B2SAFE, B2STAGE and B2FIND) and how to deploy them (B2SAFE, B2STAGE and B2FIND).


Who is this training for?

  • those who want to learn how to deploy and integrate services (e.g. B2SAFE and B2STAGE, B2FIND);
  • and those who prefer to learn how to use such services.

Following the full in-depth tutorial will allow trainees to understand how the components of a service are combined. This will also enable the trainees to also extend services with their own modules and integrate EUDAT’s services with their community services.


Training material & useful links

The material can be found here ( and will be updated and extended in due time when new features of services are developed.

For a general introduction we recommend to consult the user documentation pages ( and to view our training presentations on Slideshare.