Monday 23rd January 2017 | "SESSIO" Meeting Room, 7th Floor |
13:00-18:00 |
EUDAT Technical Committee Meeting Coordinator: Mark van de Sanden |
Tuesday 24th January 2017 | "SESSIO" Meeting Room, 7th Floor |
09:00-18:00 |
EUDAT Technical Committee Meeting
Coordinator: Mark van de Sanden
Wednesday 25th January 2017 | |
Parallel Meetings | |
09:00-11:00 |
EUROPEANA Data Pilot Meeting - Coordinator: Daan Broeder - Room: "BLUES"
We discuss the progress of the Europeana Pilot Data and investigate ways of still closer collaboration between EUDAT and Europeana.
Data Subscription Big Data – Coordinator: Aleksi Kallio - Room: "JAZZ" (download materials)
This is an interactive session for discussing the need of user oriented data subscription service. We will describe the Euro-Argo use case from ENVRI+ collaboration, where data from marine floats is made efficiently searchable with big data technologies (Apache Spark). The next challenge is to allow users to submit offline searches and to allow them to subscribe to changes in search results when new data is added to the main dataset. Participants are encourage to present related use cases and to suggest relevant technologies or solutions.
ICOS Meeting - Coordinator: Margareta Hellström - Room: "DEBATTI" (download material)
In this meeting between ICOS and EUDAT service experts, we will be discussing the progress of the ICOS service uptake, and also address specific question about service development & timetables.
LTER Europe Service Uptake Session - Coordinator: Johannes Peterseil - Room: "SOUL" (download material)
The LTER Europe Service Uptake meeting will focus on the current status of the implementation and the open issues to be adressed. The session will be organised as open discussion between the service Integrators and the service developers. A short introduction on the Service Uptake Plan as well as on the status of the Integration will be given. Discussions will focus on the planned actions for 2017.
10:30-11:00 | Coffee Break |
Parallel Meetings | |
11:00-13:00 |
FAIR Data Pilot Meeting - Coordinators: Luiz Olavo / Daan Broeder - Room: "BLUES" (download material)
The goal of this meeting is to involve interested parties in the discussions of the next concrete steps to extend EUDAT services so they can better comply with the FAIR Data guiding principles. A report on the evaluation of EUDAT services against the FAIR Data guiding principles has been created in the first part of this pilot.
Describing the RI Landscape EUDAT/ENVRIplus/RISCAPE - Coordinator: Daan Broeder - Room: "JAZZ" (download materials)
EUDAT task 4.1 discusses with ENVRIplus their mutual efforts interviewing the stakeholder Research Infrastructures in the Data and Computing Landscape.
ENES Meeting - Coordinator: Hannes Thiemann - Room: "DEBATTI"
Within this session ENES members in EUDAT will discuss the current state and future developments of relevant services.
Aalto Data Pilot Meeting - Coordinator: Chris Ariyo - Room: "SESSIO"
The session will provide an overview about the use of B2SHARE and B2DROP for student storage in Aalto University.
HERBADROP Data Pilot Meeting – Coordinator: Pascal Dugenie - Room: "SOUL" (download materials)
The session will present the HERBADROP Data Pilot:
13:00-14:00 | Lunch |
Parallel Meetings | |
14:00-16:00 |
EUDAT engaging with Industrial Stakeholders - Coordinator: Giuseppe Fiameni - Room: "AUDITORIUM"
The scope of this session is to present the work that EUDAT has been doing with commercial stakeholders being these either provider of storage resources or prospect customer for EUDAT services. Two SME
representatives will also report about their respective use cases and how EUDAT services may implement their requirements.
CLARIN closed session - Dieter van Uytvanck, Willem, Daan, Emanuel, Josef - Room: "BLUES"
Describing the RI Landscape EUDAT/ENVRIplus/RISCAPE - Coordinator: Daan Broeder - Room: "JAZZ" (download materials)
EUDAT, ENVRIplus and RISCAPE present their respective efforts and plans wrt describing Research Infrastructure Landscape. The advantages of their respective methodologies will be discussed and also the possibility of using standardised classifications and terminology. All those interested are welcome.
Libraries - Coordinator: Rob Baxter - Room: "DEBATTI" (download material)
The session will focus on the recent LIBER research data services survey and will explore whether the current European e-infrastructure service landscape "meets the needs" and "bridges the gaps" highlighted in the survey.
The discussion-led session will look at questions like:
PAIRQURS Data Pilot Meeting - Coordinator: Margareta Hellström - Room: "SOUL" (download material)
In this session, we will summarize the current status of PAIRQURS, and discuss different scenarios for extending the project's continued uptake of B2 services. The development of new features for e.g. allowing controlled access to sensitive data, and extending data retrieval interfaces with sub-setting capabilities, will also be discussed.
16:00-16:15 | Coffee Break |
16:15-17:30 |
Common Plenary Session - Room: "AUDITORIUM"
18:00-22:00 |
Social Event – The File Factory (Arranged transportation will pick up participants from CSC at 17:45 and will take them back to Helsinki City Centre around 22:00) |
Thursday 26th January 2017 | |
09:00-10:45 | Community Requirements & Service Roadmap STATUS & OVERVIEW – Coordinated by Daan Broeder & Johannes Reetz - Room: "AUDITORIUM" (Area Managers' materials: Chris Ariyo, Claudio Cacciari, Tom Kirkham) |
10:45-11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:15-13:00 | Community Requirements & Service Roadmap FORUM & DISCUSSION – Coordinated by Daan Broeder & Johannes Reetz - Room: "AUDITORIUM" (download material) |
13:00-13:45 | Lunch |
13:45-15:30 |
Community Requirements & Service Roadmap EXPERTS – Coordinated by Daan Broeder & Johannes Reetz- Room: "AUDITORIUM"
Detailed discussions on specific topics with dedicated groups (corners) B2ACCESS This expert session is aimed at (1) end users interested in using any of the B2 services which require authentication via B2ACCESS, (2) communities who are interested in integrating with B2ACCESS to allow their user base to access the B2 services or offer a community service to the EUDAT user base and (3) communities who are looking for an Authentication and Authorization solution which can be re-used for their purposes.
B2FIND In this session we show (1) how communities can publish their metadata in EUDAT-B2FIND and (2) how end users can search and access research data by using the metadata discovery service B2FIND. Metadata The session will cover the DataCite metadata standard used for essential metadata and will be a chance for the communities to provide their feedbacks, as well as focusing on how to add community specific metadata to B2SHARE and how B2SAFE intends to handle metadata. B2SHARE Community representatives will be able to directly interact with the B2SHARE team and provide feedback on the expected features of the upcoming v2 release as well as on the features already implemented and available in the production instance. B2SAFE & B2SAFE-DPM The session "B2SAFE" will focus on the last updates related to metadata and the new PID profile support.
The session "B2SAFE-DPM" will show the Data Policy Manager in action: how to define, store, download, enforce and update a data policy.
B2NOTE (download material) The focus of the session will be to demo B2NOTE to the communities and gather feedbacks as well as additional requirements. The objectives of this expert session are:
B2HANDLE The session will entirely revolve around B2HANDLE, and it will be a chance for customers to question and discuss about the service. B2DROP B2DROP: Roadmap and B2SHAREBRIDGE release. GEF info &demo The Generic Execution Framework (GEF) will enable scientific users to process data close to their storage location in the CDI. It is engineered around the Docker containerization technology. This will allow users to build reusable services that perform the desired computations and to share them with their own scientific community and beyond. The GEF is currently under development and is slated to become part of the CDI. The user forum is an ideal opportunity for users to shape this development to their needs. LTER DEIMS demo The LTER DEIMS demo will demonstrate possibilities to implement B2Share within already existing data services, e.g. LTER Europe, and provide an outlook for more generalised approaches towards service integration. |
15:30-15:45 | Coffee break |
15:45-18:45 | EUDAT2020 COUNCIL MEETING - Room: "AUDITORIUM" |
20:00-23:00 |
EUDAT2020 Council Social Dinner by invitation only |
Friday 27th January 2017 | |
09:00-11:00 | EUDAT CDI Council Meeting - Room: "AUDITORIUM" |
11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:30-13:30 | EUDAT Research Infrastructure Board - Room: "AUDITORIUM" |
13:30-14:00 | Lunch |