EUDAT LifeWatch Workshop
From 11 to 14 July 2017, the EUDAT-LifeWatch Italy hosted a workshop on "Ontology & Semantic Web for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research", in Lecce (Italy).
Many different standards, approaches, and semantic tools have been developed to improve data sharing and interoperability. Semantic technologies provide a promising way to properly describe and interrelate these different data sources in ways that reduce barriers to data discovery, integration, and exchange among biodiversity and ecosystem resources and researchers.
LifeWatch Italy and EUDAT wanted to tackle these challenges through their workshop Ontology & Semantic Web for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research, a forum for the semantic web and linked open data communities, where professionals from Academia, Research Infrastructures, Industries and others interested in these topics were welcome to present theoretical and applied research work, share experiences and discuss the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies and linked open data in the field of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research.
The event particularly revolved around the following main themes:
  • Usages of semantic resources in Research Infrastructures (RIs)

  • Comparison among vocabulary governances

  • Alignment of vocabularies and ontologies

  • Services for semantics 

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