EUDAT is running a series of webinars on subjects related to EUDAT's work.
The webinar is open to all, so please feel free to invite anyone who you think might be interested. EUDAT's webinars will vary in terms of their target audience. Some of them will be of general interest, and some of them will get down into more technical detail. The primary target audience for this first webinar is the group of people who are responsible for looking after other people's data, and who use or could use tools like iRODS to connect their current data infrastructure to EUDAT.
Next Webinar
Fri 12th July at 14:00 CEST (12:00 UTC)
Previous Webinars
Wed 29th May at 14:00 CEST (12:00 UTC)
iRODS: An introduction, and its configuration – Pascal Dugénie
This webinar aims to present some iRODS key concepts and provide a step-by-step tutorial for end-users.
The iRODS technology is well mature and is now widely used for managing large amount of distributed data. It has been the chosen candidate for the Eudat Common Data Infrastructure.
This tutorial begins with a presentation of the advantages of storage virtualisation in terms of performance, flexibility, scalability and evolutivity for safe replication and data curation.
Then, this tutorial reviews of iRODS principles including the client server architecture and notions of zone, federation, catalog, mounted collections.
The second part of this tutorial focuses on basic operations.
A first set of operations as an iRODS client include:
- setting up a connexion to an iRODS server
- transferring data via iCommands or via the iRODS web interface
A second set of operations include
- creating zones, resources and users
- administer an iRODS federation
Finally, this tutorial will end interactively with a session of specific questions from the pool of users.
To join us, just click on the link below:
The collaboration platform runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X and requires only a fairly up-to-date version of Java. We have found the software to be widely compatible, but if you want to check your set-up, you can click on the link now as the page is already live.