TNC17 - The Art of Creative Networking, 29 May - 2 June 2017, Linz, Austria
TNC17 - The Art of Creative Networking will take place in the picturesque UNESCO City of Media Arts of Linz, Austria, between 29 May - 2 June 2017, at Austrian Academic Computer Network (ACOnet), the Austrian National research and education network (NREN) for science, research, education, and culture.
The TNC17 Networking Conference is the largest and most prestigious European research networking conference, with more than 650 participants attending this annual event. TNC brings together decision makers, managers, networking and collaboration specialists, and identity and access management experts from all major European networking and research organisations, universities, worldwide sister institutions, as well as industry representatives.
Through keynotes speeches by renowned specialists, varying parallel sessions, demonstrations and presentations, the Conference presents participants with a unique overview of the latest developments in research networking, both in the technical field and in the area of application and management.
Research and education communities are not only using the network to support science, the arts and humanities, but they also have to be creative in the way technologies are deployed. Technical innovation can often move faster than society, but the constant changes provide opportunities for inventive, resourceful and visionary solutions.
How to participate?
Meeting proposal: if you wish to organise a meeting or workshop around TNC17 please submit your proposal before 15 January 2017
Demonstrations: companies or projects wishing to participate should submit their proposal before 15 January 2017
Sponsorship & exhibition: for more information please visit https://tnc17.geant.org/sponsorship
Sessions/presentations: submit an idea for a session or a specific presentation matching ''The Art of Creative Networking'' theme (see "Call for Proposals)".
Call for Proposals
TNC17 Call for Proposals closes on November 30. If you would like to submit an idea for a session or a specific presentation matching ''The Art of Creative Networking'' theme, you have about 3 days left to do so using the following link: https://tnc17.geant.org/web/participate/guidelines.
Note: All proposals must be submitted in English and should be on subjects relevant to the spirit and objectives of the conference: to present, discuss and learn about the latest developments in networking technology and its uses in the research and education community.
TNC17 gives you an opportunity to share your vision for better research and education
Are you using creativity to provide smart networking in challenging environments?
How do you balance creativity and security?
Have you tried out a theory or a new solution and it didn’t work. Why? Are you willing to share to make it work together?
Further Information
See more detailed information about the Call for Papers, topics and guidelines on the TNC17 website: