The European Commission has identified the completion of the Digital Single Market (DSM) as one of its 10 political priorities and much effort is being done in aligning strategies and initiatives along the DSM targets. This workshop is a contribution to the discussion on how to implement the DSM from the data and computing infrastructure perspective. With a strong focus on service orientation, the workshop brings together leading e-Infrastructure initiatives to discuss computing and data management trends and challenges, and present available and planned services to address these trends and challenges. The workshop also seeks to identify collaboration opportunities in the emerging digital single market, in particular in the context of the upcoming European research cloud which has been called for by the EC, and at global level between European stakeholders and leading initiatives in the US, Japan, and Australia.
10:00—10:30 |
The Digital Single Market Strategy and the European scene - Service orientation to data and high-performance computing infrastructures in the context of the "Digital Single Market Strategy", Augusto Burgueño Arjona , Head of Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission
10:30—11:30 |
A service orientation to High Performance & Distributed Computing (Part I)
HPC and high throughput computing as a service - Short keynote : Ed Seidel, NCSA Director
Short presentations from leading European computing initiatives
Short lightning talks from new EC initiatives
11:30—12:00 | Coffee Break |
12:00—13:30 |
A service orientation to High Performance & Distributed Computing (Part II)
Short presentations form leading computing initiatives outside Europe
Panel: Data intensive science and data management challenges - (all session speakers)
13:30—14:30 | Lunch |
14:30—16:00 |
Virtualizing infrastructures for Data
Data landscape, challenges and trends - Short keynote: Peter Wittenburg, RZG
Short presentations from leading data initiatives
Panel: Data Commons (all session speakers with moderator)
16:00—16:30 | Coffee Break |
16:30—17:00 |
Connecting sites, people and content
17:00—18:00 | Towards the Digital Single Market - Future Steps Panel |