The official launch of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will take place on 23 November 2018 in Vienna, as part of the programme of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The EOSC launch is the nexus of more than €300 million worth of funded projects and cross-border collaboration for the past three years.
The realisation of the EOSC is an integral part of the broader Digital Single Market strategy that was announced in 2015. EOSC also falls under one of the three key priorities of the Austrian Presidency which is “securing prosperity and competitiveness through digitalisation”.
Opening the launch event will be Austrian Minister for Education and Science Heinz Fassmann along with officials from the European Commission.
EOSC-hub’s role in the realisation of the EOSC will be described in the dedicated session of the event for introducing the EOSC portal, the new web-platform meant to become the reference point for EOSC-users, -providers, -contributors, led by European Commission Director-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) Thomas Skordas.
In addition, the contribution of the EOSC-hub project to the implementation of the EOSC Portal, together with OpenAIRE-Advance and the eInfraCentral projects, will be showcased highlighting the EOSC-hub marketplace as the engine for access EOSC services and resources.
The EOSC Portal at a glance
The EOSC Portal will provide general information about EOSC to its stakeholders and the public, including information on the EOSC agenda, policy developments regarding open science and research, EOSC-related funding opportunities and the latest news and relevant events, but most importantly will offer a seamless access to the EOSC resources and services.
The Portal will become the reference point for the 1.7 million European researchers looking for scientific applications, research data exploitation platforms, research data discovery platforms, data management and compute services, computing and storage resources as well as thematic and professional services.
Access to EOSC services and resources will be enabled via the EOSC-hub marketplace.
The launch of the EOSC Portal isn’t just a milestone for the European Open Science Cloud, but it also marks the first direct and tangible contribution of the EOSC-hub to EOSC.