The European Data Infrastructure (EUDAT) and the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS) in Japan discuss the international cooperation for Collaborative Data Infrastructure.
This co-located event is discussed from the viewpoint of infrastructure builder, domain researcher, and data provider. EUDAT participation in this workshop includes contributions from two of its user communities EISCAT and CLARIN.
As a concrete instance of EUDAT use, we adopt the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) radar data. The EISCAT project members in Europe and Japan give a presentation of the current state of their data services, and we consider the improvement of the convenience by cooperating EUDAT and ROIS.
CLARIN, the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, is a large-scale pan-European collaborative effort aimed at making language resources and technology readily available for the whole European Humanities (and Social Sciences) community. This includes coordinating the development of appropriate data services and collaboration with EUDAT and research infrastructures world-wide. Among other partnerships, CLARIN has been an early contributor to and adopter of policies and recommendations of the Research Data Alliance.