The 5th CORBEL Medical Infrastructure/Users Forum (MIUF), to be held on 15 October 2018 in Paris, will be held to promote close collaboration, at the pan-EU level, between medical research communities, funding bodies, and medical research infrastructures.
In particular, its mission consists of promoting the establishment of pan-European scientific communities, providing the scientific content and access to patients, clearly defining the respective roles of infrastructures vs. scientific communities, avoiding gaps, overlaps and fragmentation, capturing the needs of the scientific communities and of the funders in terms of infrastructure services, and of ensuring the appropriate development and deployment of these services by one or multiple research infrastructures.
The October 2018 MIUF meeting is intended to discuss:
- structuring of medical research communities at the pan-European level
- emerging needs of medical research projects in the context of the big data and personalised / stratified medicine approach
- challenges raised in terms of development and deployment of data services
Meeting venue: Sorbonne Université – Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, PARIS
10:30 Registration & coffee
11:00 Introduction (J. Demotes)
11:10 Structuring medical research communities at the pan-European level
- ECRAID – European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (H. Goossens)
- EBRA – European Brain Research Area (M. Dorlöchter)
- TRANSVAC2 - European Network of Vaccine Research and Development (O. Leroy)
- C4C – Conect4children (C. Giaquinto)
- European Joint Programme Rare Diseases (D. Julkowska)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 New models for medical research in Europe: success stories
- Organic bioelectronics sensors for Point-of-Care: the ENM III project AMI (F. Biscarini)
- Image analysis and machine learning (S. Klein)
- A virtual research environment for structural biology (tbc)
- Mouse model use case – INFRAFRONTIER (tbc)
- Bridging the academia-industry divide with cutting-edge science: a case study (B. Kuhnast)
15:00 New approaches in personalised medicine and patient stratification
- R-Link: Optimizing response to Lithium treatment through personalized evaluation of individuals with bipolar I disorder (F. Bellivier)
- ImmunAID - Immunome project consortium for AutoInflammatory Disorders (B. Fautrel)
- NECESSITY - NEw Clinical Endpoints in primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: an Interventional Trial based on stratifYing patients (J-E. Gottenberg)
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Data sharing and reuse
- Multimodal data management: TraIT (J-W. Boiten)
- Sharing and reuse of clinical trial data (C. Ohmann)
- Reuse of national health database for cohort follow-up: CONSTANCES (M. Zins)
- Sensitive medical research data in the EOSC-Life project (J. Demotes)
17:45 Round table discussion
- Distribution of roles between pan-European scientific communities and pan-European research infrastructures
- Role of funders in the pan-European structuring and multinational projects
- Reuse of health data for observational and interventional research
- Other
18:30 End of the meeting
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