Management of scientific Big Data poses challenges at all stages of the data life cycle – acquisition, ingest, access, replication, preservation, etc. For scientific communities the data exploration – commonly considered as the 4th pillar besides experiment, theory and simulation – is of utmost importance to gain new scientific insights and knowledge.
At this symposium, organized by the cross-program initiative “Large Scale Data Management and Analysis” (LSDMA) of the German Helmholtz Alliance, international experts address several aspects of Big Data. We have the pleasure of welcoming several internationally renowned speakers. The opening keynote will be given by Jarek Nabrzyski, director of Center for Research Computing at the University of Notre Dame, the closing keynote will be given by Erhard Hinrichs, project coordinator of CLARIN-D.
The full program can be found on http://www.helmholtz-lsdma.de/Symposium2015.