RDA (Research Data Alliance) is an open initiative with a European chapter with the goal to foster data exchange, data interoperability and its much more efficient re-use by making worldwide agreements. Doing this RDA is very much relying on the motivation and engagement of data professionals and on the commitment to change and improve data practices fundamentally. It is widely agreed that this will only succeed if we tackle the issues of agreeing on standards, protocols, interface specifications etc. globally and cross-disciplinary since many of the research challenges are global and cross-disciplinary.
The goal of the RDA Europe 2nd Infrastructure Projects Interaction Meeting is to review the developments following first meeting in Brussels last year and focus specifically on:
1. Training: Inform about the first concrete RDA results incl. hands-on practice where useful
2. Impact: Discuss the possible impact of the results for science and beyond
3. Data Fabric: Discuss the Data Fabric approach and place the various activities of RDA into the overall landscape
4. Result Adoption: Discuss possible adoption projects to test RDA results in practical work. Here EUDAT offered to work together with RDA since RDA itself will not do implementations.
In the first part of the workshop experts belonging to the RDA Working groups that have already delivered a first set of outcomes will present these results and where applicable do some hands-on work to get a deep understanding.
In the second session the potential of these results will be discussed: how they fit into the overall landscape, what their limitations are, whether they address needs, what is missing, etc.
The third part will be focused on the discussion about Data Fabric – the machinery aimed to to create and consume data to come to new insights in a reproducible way. The objective of this session is to build on the knowledge and experience that has already been collected within the many excellent infrastructure projects (ESFRI projects, flagship projects, other European or national infrastructure or scientific projects where data management and processing plays an important role). Initiatives that would like to present their solutions should describe their solution with the help of the Use Case form. This Use Case form should be uploaded to the Data Fabric Wiki page to make it available to everyone interested: https://rd-alliance.org/node/44520/all-wiki-index-by-group. The intention of the DF IG is to analyse and compare solutions and determine common components and services that need to be put in place to come to an efficient data science. The more Use Cases of successful projects we can build on the better will be our conclusions.
The final session will discuss RDA result adoption and collect feedback from the participants whether there is an interest in starting an adoption project that perhaps can be extended under European funding schemes.

Date and Location
The meeting will be hosted by SurfSARA in Amsterdam and is scheduled for May 26th starting at 11:00 and May 27th closing at 14:00.
If you are interested to contribute find out more & register: