EUDAT workshop: "Coupling HPC & data services together", 30 May 2018 14:30pm CEST.
EUDAT CDI and PRACE joined forces to help research communities gain access to high quality managed e-Infrastructures where resources (HPC and data) can be connected together to enable cross-utilization use cases and make them accessible without any technical barrier.
The capability to couple data and compute resources together is key factor to fuel scientific innovation and advance research frontiers. The goal of this session was to present the EUDAT services, the interoperability possibilities between infrastructures, the results of the collaboration activity achieved so far and how users can apply for obtaining combined resources.
The session will be completed by a hands-on on how to write a Data Management Plan (DMP) which is a useful instrument for researchers to reflect on and communicate about the way they will deal (generate, analyse and share) with their data during their research project and afterwards.
Individual researchers and project coordinators
Agenda and Slides
14:30 - 14:45 Introduction to EUDAT Services, Giuseppe Fiameni, CINECA
14:45 - 15:15 Interoperability solutions, Giuseppe Fiameni, CINECA
15:15 - 16:45 Data Management Plan fundamentals, René van Horik, DANS
DMP Hands-on a concrete use case
16:45 - 17:00 Joint call for proposals - How users can apply for combined resources, Debora Testi, CINECA
Giuseppe Fiameni holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of Bologna and has been working in CINECA since 2004 when he joined the middleware and infrastructure group of the SuperComputing Department. He has been participating to several European projects, such as EMBRACE, DEISA, A-WARE, HBP and PRACE, maturing a strong experience in distributed systems, authentication and authorization mechanisms, computational and data resource management, and project management. He is currently leading the “Middleware for HPC Services” group of the SuperComputing Applications and Innovation Department of CINECA and involved into the EUDAT project as responsible of the collaboration with external EU infrastructures.
Dr. Debora Testi has an Electronic Engineering Degree from the University of Bologna (1997) and a PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Bologna (2002). She has been acting as principal investigator in different EC funded projects and as project manager for computer-aided software application development. She is currently involved in EU-funded projects, like CHIC, EUDAT2020, and HPC-Europa3. She is member of the PRACE aisbl Board of Directors.
René van Horik works as program manager and researcher at DANS, the Dutch national data archive in the social sciences and humanities. He received his Phd from Delft University of Technology (information science). His research interests are in digital preservation and digital humanities.
More information on the European HPC Summit Week 2018