The EUDAT conference "Putting the EOSC vision into practice" takes place next January 2018, from 22 to 25, in Porto, Portugal.

Co-located workshops are a good opportunity for visibility and interaction with the EUDAT and related communities. Check out the draft programme.

How it works:

  • Logistics: EUDAT will cover the costs of the venue and catering;
  • Promotion: EUDAT will support you in promoting the workshop before and during the conference (an event page on the EUDAT website with related registration will be also created). Furthermore if you wish to share resources or materials with the EUDAT conference participants, we will give you the opportunity to include them in the conference delegate package;
  • Workshop Agenda: You will be free to organise the workshop according to your needs. A EUDAT representative will support you as co-chair. Interactive workshops are encouraged.

Please complete this web-form to submit your proposal for a co-located workshop.