EUDAT CDI Council Chair
CSC Director of Business Insight and Growth
Per Öster (CSC), EUDAT CDI Council Chair and EUDAT Ltd. Board of Directors Chair: Dr Per Öster is the Director of CSC Advanced Computing Facility which operates and develops the Finnish national computing infrastructure and hosts the EuroHPC pre-exascale system LUMI. Öster represents CSC in a several international initiatives and organisations:
EOSC Association; the European Collaborative Data Infrastructure EUDAT; FENIX RI of federated data repositories and supercomputing systems; the board of ELIXIR, the European bio-informatics infrastructure; and Knowledge Exchange, a partnership to promote open scholarship and improve services for higher education and research in Europe. Per Öster has more than 30 years of experience in computational science from both academia and industry. He has a doctorate in physics from the Department of Physics, University of Gothenburg/Chalmers University of Technology.