B2FIND Service Overview |
Finding data objects and collections through EUDAT's B2FIND web based discovery portal. |
B2FIND User Training |
B2FIND is EUDAT’s simple, user friendly metadata catalogue allowing users to discover metadata from a wide range of scientific communities. Click here to download the presentation.
B2FIND Integration |
The aim of this presentation is to illustrate how metadata can be published in the B2FIND catalogue and how EUDAT’s B2FIND metadata catalogue can be integrated. Click here to download the presentation.
Hands-on materialFor step-by-step instructions on how to use (for data managers and researchers) and how to deploy and integrate (fro data managers and site administrators) B2FIND, click on the following link: https://github.com/EUDAT-Training/B2FIND-Training.
This training module provides hands-on material for OAI-PMH setup, Metadata mapping, implementation of a Metadata catalogue and portal (CKAN) and integration and usage of the EUDAT metadata service B2FIND.