How EUDAT services can make a difference in the environmental research landscape

Johannes Peterseil is the Deputy Head of the Department of Ecosystem Research & Environmental Information Management at the Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Austria) and leads the data management team within the department. Johannes is also the current lead of the Expert Panel on Information Management in the European Long-term Ecosystem Research Network (LTER-Europe). The panel is working on the development of the data infrastructure for LTER-Europe and their main job is to coordinate a multi-national team working on this issue. The requirements for this infrastructure have been defined by the research community within LTER-Europe. This has led to the implementation work, which is being funded by a number of projects on a European scale, including EUDAT. Within the Environment Agency Austria, the team working on this topic is composed of biologists and information technology (IT) experts addressing the interface between data provision and data usage. EUDAT recently interviewed Johannes to find out how LTER-Europe will be using the EUDAT data management services to help establish the LTER-Europe infrastructure.
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