Photograph copyright: Research Organization of Information and Systems, Japan
With the conviction that expanding and enlarging scientific collaboration across the globe can only improve and increase access to knowledge and hence support global societal challenges, Kimmo Koski, EUDAT coordinator and Managing Director CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland and Genshiro Kitagawa, President Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS) Japan signed a collaboration agreement on 25th February 2015.
The Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS) is a parent organization of four national institutes (the National Institute of Polar Research, the National Institute of Informatics, the Institute of Statistical Mathematics and the National Institute of Genetics) and two centers (the Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center and the Database Center for Life Science). ROIS mission is to promote integrated, cutting-edge research that goes beyond the barriers of these institutions, in addition to facilitating their research activities, as members of inter-university research institutes. For more information on ROIS see www.rois.ac.jp/english/
EUDAT, the pan-European Data Infrastructure, is a network of collaborating, cooperating centres, combining the richness of numerous community specific data repositories with the permanence and persistence of some of Europe’s largest scientific data centres. EUDAT offers common data services, supporting over 30 research communities as well as individuals, through a geographically distributed, resilient network of 35 European organisations.
Assistant to the President Dr. Kunihiko Niwa, who prepared the project, and Director General of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Dr. Tomoyuki Higuchi were also present at the official signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between ROIS and EUDAT. The MoU focuses on academic and research collaboration to develop mutually beneficial, creative and productive scholarly activities, including the exchange of information and publications, researcher visits and joint workshops.
“This memorandum of understanding is a very positive output for EUDAT users, ensuring that the infrastructure is engaging with organisations worldwide and sharing mutual best practice, knowledge and experienced researchers.” Kimmo Koski, Managing Director, CSC – IT Center for Science & EUDAT Coordinator